Image 1: Three Women Smiling, Canva, 2022, April 2
  • The social and collaborative learning technology application/tool selected is Mighty Networks.

  • The project uses Caard for the presentation of the project and incorporates Google Workspace Drive and the Google Docs application as examples of collaborate technology tools useful in learning.

  • Miro was also used as a collaborative technology tool for planning the learning strategy.

Social and collaborative learning is constantly evolving with learning technologies changing rapidly. Educators and Students desire a foundation of learning - an ecosystem that enables learning to take people on a journey where Educators and Students access, inform and guide learning collaboratively, socially and intentionally.For this project, the scenario is a women in business membership organisation who are exploring social and collaborative learning as part of a learning strategy focussed on listening and sharing stories of business, learning and life.The project focuses firstly on investigation of a suitable social and collaborative learning tool for the community.Secondly, planning the learning outcomes for the members and providing justification of the selection of Mighty Networks as suitable tool.Thirdly, building the learning in the selected platform and sharing revisions and project report.Finally, reflective learning and peer feedback completes the project.

© Kathy Wooller. All rights reserved.

Image: UNE Logo, University of New England, 2022

Image: UNE Logo, University of New England, 2022


EDIT313: Social Computing, Wikis and Beyond is the unit of study with University of New England being undertaken to complete the requirements towards a Bachelor in Training & Development for Kathy Wooller.In the context of the project scope the project brief aligns to "beyond".This project has been completed with the permission from a membership community organisation client for a learning strategy that weaves social and collaborative learning for members. The client was happy for the project to be used as a scenario relevant to the topic of social and collaborative technology but preferred not to have the organisation identifiers included.Completion of this project is in 2 stages:
Parts 1 & 2 due 10.4.22
Parts 3 & 4 due 22.5.22

  • Find out more about the unit of study and the scope of the project scope.

© Kathy Wooller. All rights reserved.

Project brief

The Founder of a membership community of 700+ women in South Australia has requested a learning strategy with a focus on social and collaborative learning.Stage one is to investigate and trial a new social and collaborative learning technology, Mighty Networks, in comparison with Facebook Groups (Meta) which is currently used for members to learn, connect and collaborate.The brief of the learning strategy is to weave learning based on key themes and areas of interest for members. The goal is to weave learning into the membership community with a focus on social, collaborative, conversational, micro and mobile learning. The trial of Mighty Networks, as the social and collaborative learning tool, explores this as a possibility outside of Facebook Groups.The Learning strategy is based on Design Thinking principles and Open Pedagogy.

Image: Learning Strategy image, Miro, 2022Women. Canva, 2022

Image: Learning Strategy image, Miro, 2022

These are the key stages of the project report:

  • Investigate & Plan

  • Build & Report

  • Reflection + Feedback

© Kathy Wooller. All rights reserved.


Image: Women. Canva, 2022

Social and Collaborative TechnologiesThis stage of the project deep dives into Mighty Networks and Facebook Groups to compare, analyse and identify the alignment with the requirements of the project brief to enable a growing community to engage intentionally, weave learning into conversations, and collaborate across the state. The Mighty Networks Pro timeline below provides a snapshot of the roll-out.With Mighty Networks, as a social and collaborative learning technology, this community of women has the opportunity to intentionally connect, collaborate and learn by listening and sharing stories of their experiences in business, learning and life.The key differences of Mighty Networks as a social and collaborative learning space beneficial to the community of women are:

  • Mighty Networks is a social and collaborative technology that combines community with learning.

  • By migrating to Mighty Networks the application is owned not rented.

  • There are no ads or competing content versus algorithms, competition for social media real estate and advertising filling feeds.

  • All in one platform for community engagement, connection and learning, in comparison to integrations, plug ins and third party applications.

  • The rise of the Community Economy, described as the ability to bring people together, connect intentionally and learn through the experiences socially and collaboratively (Mighty Networks, 2022).

  • Project Report - to dive further into justifications, evidence and analysis relevant to the selected social and collaborative learning technology.

  • Watch comparison video between Mighty Networks and Facebook Groups (1.56).

  • References + Sources where applicable to support the justifications, comparisons and investigations and provide academic references and non academic sources.

Stage 2: PLAN

Image 5: Women Circle. Canva, 2022

Key points covered in the project report:

  • Learning Outcomes

  • Technology Alignment

  • Technology Considerations

  • Technology Barriers

  • Opportunities of the Technology

  • Project Report to deep dive into the planning for this stage of the project.

  • Watch 7 Taps video used to introduce Mighty Networks to the community.

  • Preview Mighty Networks build site

  • References + Sources where applicable provides academic references and non academic sources.

Image 6: Women supporting Women. Canva, 2022


  • **PROJECT BUILD ** The project build is in Mighty Networks. Click on buttons below to open the preview landing page for the lesson, watch the video walk through for the lesson "Empower" and read the transcript of the video and view the lesson storyboard.

  • REPORT The report links academic sources and articles to justify the project report findings relevant to the build.

  • REFERENCES provides academic references relevant to Mighty Networks as a social and collaborative learning tool and the context of the lesson.

Image 7: Women group team. Canva, 2022

Stage 4: Reflection + Feedback

  • Reflection shared in the peer feedback portal.

  • Evaluation evaluation post for assessment and peer feedback.

© Kathy Wooller. All rights reserved.


Image #: Kathy Wooller headshot, Urban Safari Photography, 2021

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© Kathy Wooller. All rights reserved.